PVF Maple LLC became official in 2013. But we have been in agriculture for 8 generations. We currently produce syrup from 18,000 taps Many years of sap collection under our belts. From great ,great ,great ,great, grandparents. Our farm consisting of a little under 600 acres of mostly rolling hills,and hundreds more that we utilize to produce syrup. Maple started out as just making some extra cash to a full on business with endless possibilities. we have been selling equipment from H20 innovation For over 10 years now.
What was your best year?
2016 10,300 gallons
how much syrup do you make an hour?
from 75-110 depending on the concentration
what brix do you concentrate to?
as high as possible! 18-30 Brix. 22-25 most days.
What do you use for an RO
9 vessel Supra from h20 innovation
what size is your Evaporater?
6x16 oil fired.
what do you use for vacuum pumps?
we currently utilize centrifugal water pumps
do you pump sap any distance?
yes our longest run is 1800’ with about 50’ of vertical lift.